Bilder på en som inte har gått och lagt sig än.
Jag leker lite med Googles bildredigeringsprogram, med mig själv som modell (plus en synth).
Simpelt. Men rätt roande.
Jag borde sova.
So, darlin', can't you just play for me, like you always did?
Sepia. Högdagar inställt på mycket ljust.
Baby, just make me smile.
En trött Disa.
I remember that day.
That sparkling day.
We went out for a walk.
And saw so much beautiful things.
Just like in that fairytale you always told me.
We thought we were dreamin',
In the same dream.
And it felt so right.
I remember I wasn't scared at all.
I just felt happiness to make this experience with You.
You were the only one for me.
You Are the Only one for Me.
I just wondering when you'll realize that too.
Och nu.
Gillar dina ögon.
Spännande att de kan se så gröna ut på en bild.